Film Focus: “Parasite” (Online)
Don’t miss Film Focus at Ethical, a new monthly series exploring ethical themes in classic and contemporary cinema. Watch the film on your own beforehand, then join our guest presenter...
Don’t miss Film Focus at Ethical, a new monthly series exploring ethical themes in classic and contemporary cinema. Watch the film on your own beforehand, then join our guest presenter...
In this satirical science-fiction film written, produced, and directed by Adam McKay, two low-level astronomers—played by Jennifer Lawrence and Leonardo Dicaprio—must go on a giant media tour to warn mankind...
Notice: This program has moved entirely online via Zoom, and will now begin at 4:00pm. Camp Jened was a summer camp in the Catskill Mountains established in 1952 to serve...
Notice: This session has been moved online-only and rescheduled for 2:00pm. Don’t turn away! Forget John Ford and John Wayne. This film is like no other American Western you have...
The story of Romeo and Juliet was reimagined in the 1957 musical West Side Story, The 1961 film adaptation was followed 60 years later by the 2021 Spielberg film remake...
Starring Sidney Poitier, Kathryn Hepburn, and Spencer Tracy, with Hepburn’s niece, Katharine Houghton, this was one of the very few films of the time to depict interracial marriage in a positive light....