In these ethically challenging times, it’s critical to raise children who are confident in their compassion and assertive in their responsibility to stand up for themselves, their friends, and their neighbors.
The Society’s free weekly programs for children strive to do exactly that, providing spaces where children and young adults can learn about ethical relationships and responsibilities in age-appropriate ways through play, art, dialogue, workshops, field trips, and community service.
To learn more and join, contact Youth and Family Programs Coordinator Audrey Kindred at akindred@nysec.org!
This Season: Beloved Community and Self-Empowerment
Young Ethical Explorers: Ubuntu and the African Humanist Vision of Interconnectedness (Ages 3-11)
This season our youth are exploring our ethical connections through the humanistic African concept of Ubuntu: “I am because we are.” Sessions begin Sunday, February 2 with Simba Yangala and guest artist Rosita, who you may remember from her dance performance at our Martin Luther King Jr. Day Beloved Community Festival! Together we’ll learn how we can be inspired by Ubuntu to strengthen friendship, community, and society. Begins Sunday, February 2.
Young Ethical Explorers: Becoming ‘Upstanders’ Not Bystanders (Ages 3-11)
Every other week we’re thrilled to be joined by Gabriella Belfiglio, a long-time anti-bully and self-defense teacher (and award-winning poet!) who will lead children in becoming empowered to resolve conflicts with confidence and compassion. Begins Sunday, February 9.
Beloved Community Colloquy Circles (Parents/Guardians/Adults)
Ethical Culture Leader Christian Hayden will be leading regular Sunday morning gatherings for adults to explore what beloved community means to us and how we can build and sustain it. Begins Sunday, February 23.
First Sundays Intergenerational Festivals: ‘Ethical Heroes’
These all-ages gatherings celebrate our youngsters, explore the experiences and wisdom of our elders, and give us an opportunity to share art, music, dance, and food! First Sundays at 1pm.
- March 2 – Claudette Colvin Day
- April 6 – Tree and Me: Wangari Mathaai Festival’
- May 4 – ‘Felix Adler Day: The Roots of Ethical’
To learn more and join
Please contact Youth and Family Programs Coordinator Audrey Kindred at akindred@nysec.org to answer any questions and to join this season!