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Who We Are

Founded in 1876 by philosopher and educator Dr. Felix Adler, The New York Society for Ethical Culture is a non-theistic, Humanist community dedicated to ethical relationships, social justice, and democracy.

As the founding institution of the Ethical Movement and a cornerstone of Progressivism in New York City, the Society’s members put deed before creed and ethics in action to educate, advocate, and organize to end racism, poverty, and war; abolish the death penalty and mass incarceration; guarantee reproductive freedom; welcome refugees and immigrants; fight climate change and pollution; and more.

What Is Ethical Culture?

Ethical Culture is a movement centered on the development of ethical ideals, not theology, whose mission is to encourage respect for humanity, respect for nature, and a desire to build a better world. Members are committed to personal ethical development in their relationships with others and in activities that pursue social justice, environmental stewardship, and democratic citizenship.

As an Ethical Community we are all part of something that transcends the individual experience, and we are enriched through our relationships with others. As such, we have responsibilities to each other, to the Society, and to our community.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Ethical Culture a religion?

For those who view religion as a set of values to which people are committed, and in terms of which they find a practical faith to live by, Ethical Culture is considered a religion. Some members associate the word “religion” with creeds, doctrines, sectarianism, and the supernatural. For them, Ethical Culture is a life-stance or philosophy of living, emphasizing education, personal growth, community engagement, and social service with the purpose of helping people live better lives.

Many Society Members are also members of traditional religious congregations and are comfortable being part of both. We eagerly build bonds between congregations and work to take action together in pursuit of our shared values–to put deed before creed.

Does Ethical Culture accept the idea of a god?

Ethical Culture is non-theistic and humanist in emphasis, and members are not committed to any theology. We leave belief in a deity up to each individual.

Discover the Society

Join Society Leader Dr. Richard Koral for a brief look at who we are, what we’ve done, where we’re going, and how you can enrich the Society with your passions and talents by becoming a member.

Our Affiliations

American Ethical Union (AEU)

Founded in 1893, the American Ethical Union is a federation of the Ethical Culture Societies nationwide. Its mission is to create, nurture, and inspire Ethical Humanist communities so as to foster a world that is democratic, compassionate, just, and sustainable. It helps the Societies share skills and pool services and it certifies professional Leaders who serve the various communities. Among the programs of the AEU are the following:

National Ethical Service – One of the oldest non-governmental organizations registered with the United Nations, the NES collaborates with other non-profits and faith organizations to foster a culture of ethics and peace at the United Nations.

Youth of Ethical SocietiesYES is an activity that affords an opportunity for high school students within the membership of Ethical Societies nationwide to meet, explore and discover together. They typically meet annually at a different location each year for a conference.

Future of Ethical SocietiesFES is a community of those aged 18 to 26 who are associated with, or who grew up in, Ethical Societies nationwide. It is a self-governing group that offers community and fellowship for young adults in Ethical Culture.

Ethical Culture/Ethical Humanist Societies – There are 23 Ethical Societies around the United States. Each Society is a self-governing community and welcomes visitors who are interested in learning more about the Ethical Culture programs and events.

Click Here to Find Your Nearest Ethical Society
Humanists International (Formerly International and Humanist Ethical Union)

Formerly the International Humanist and Ethical Union, Humanists International is an umbrella organization of humanist, atheist, rationalist, secular, skeptic, freethought and Ethical Culture organizations throughout the world. It was founded in 1952 by the American Ethical Union in collaboration with the American Humanist Association, the British Humanist Association and the Vienna Ethical Society. HI works to build and represent the global Ethical Humanist movement that defends human rights and promotes Humanist values worldwide. There are currently 125 member organizations from 47 countries.

Secular Coalition for America

The Secular Coalition for America advocates for religious freedom, as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and works to defend the equal rights of nonreligious Americans. Representing 20 national secular organizations, hundreds of local secular communities, and working with our allies in the faith community, we combine the power of grassroots activism with professional lobbying to make an impact on the laws and policies that govern separation of religion and government — or the improper encroachment of either on the other.

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