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When you support the New York Society for Ethical Culture, you become an integral part of our rich 130-plus year history promoting progressive values, furthering social justice, and giving voice to those who otherwise might not be heard. Your contribution may go to support our social service programs, advocacy efforts, child and family programs, public programming, building restoration and universal access, or any number of other areas.

For more information contact the Society at

Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Current Campaigns

October Collection: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women USA

This month we’re collecting money to support Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women.

MMIWUSA’s mission is to combat the widespread issue of violence against native people which leads to them going missing and getting murdered.

Through their mission, MMIWUSA aims to serve indigenous families in the United States who are affected by violence and poverty and protect those who are vulnerable to it in Indigenous communities through preventative measures. They serve those who are affected by the loss of a family member, and those who are at a broader disadvantage due to things like domestic violence, addiction, trafficking, the foster care system, and other issues that are prevalent in indigenous communities.

They serve those who are experiencing the oppressive cycles of abuse and trauma caused by the history of colonial violence. They serve all native people, no matter whether they are on or off of their home reservation lands.

Our goal is $500. Please give generously!

August Collection: Project Renewal

This month we’re collecting money to support Project Renewal, a New York City nonprofit organization that helps homeless and low-income men and women who often have a drug addiction, mental illness or both by providing everything they need to reclaim their lives with renewed health, homes, and jobs.

Our goal is $500. Please give generously!

Good Neighbor Initiative: Help Us Help Our UWS Neighbors

This summer, the Society has mobilized to help our Upper West Side neighbors at NYCHA’s Amsterdam Houses and Harborview Terrace senior community. We’re collecting donations of food and other household necessities that we drop off each month. In just two weeks we’ve collected over a thousand pounds of supplies to help residents, and we’re asking everyone to pitch in.

Make a donation to support the project, and visit our website for details on how to give items and volunteer.

Utilizing our existing memberships and relationships with wholesalers to be most effective, all funds raised will be used to purchase:

•Food, including fresh fruits and vegetables
•Tampons, pads, and hygiene products
•Other household necessities as requested

Please give what you can, and thank you!

Ethical NYC Climate Education and Action Fund

Please donate to support the Society’s climate-focused initiatives, including Up2Us2022 and more!

Support Ethics and the Theater

Help us cover the costs of our Ethics and the Theater play readings and discussions. This includes hiring actors and directors, securing play licenses, and more.

General Donations and Other Ways to Give

Online Donations - One-Time or Recurring (Debit, Credit, ACH)

Please use our online donation form to give using a debit card, credit card, or ACH transfer. You can choose to make a one-time donation, or easily setup a recurring monthly donation.

Give in Honor or In Memory

Give a gift to the Society in honor or in memory of a loved one. Know that your donation will help the Society continue to provide important educational and advocacy programs, and fund our social service efforts.

To give, please visit the link below and check “Dedicate my donation in honor or in memory of someone.”

Click here to give in honor or in memory of someone.

Mail a Check

Checks are payable to The New York Society for Ethical Culture, and can be sent to:

New York Society for Ethical Culture
2 West 64th Street
New York, NY 10023

Planned Giving

Be a torch bearer for the New York Society for Ethical Culture! Whether you are writing your first will or updating an existing one, we hope you’ll choose to include a gift to the New York Society for Ethical Culture in your plans. Your generosity provides a lasting legacy to Ethical Culture ideals, and a bequest to Ethical NYC will light the way for generations to come.

You don’t have to be a millionaire to make a difference in the world. Charitable bequests are for everyone and anyone. They are both sensible and simple gifts. A bequest allows you to be generous and keep your financial options open. You can use your will to give a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or a specific item, such as real estate, a boat, artwork, the family silver, copyright or royalty income, or savings bonds. Bequests and other estate gifts come in all shapes and sizes and are as different as the people who create them.

Anyone can make a meaningful gift to Ethical NYC in their will. Regardless of the amount, your bequest is a statement of your ethical values. Your gift provides a continuing voice for social justice and caring community. When you demonstrate that you care enough about our Society to support its future, others will follow your generous example.

The Future of the New York Society for Ethical Culture is in your hands. Ensure that Ethical NYC will grow and prosper, and that we can continue to be a voice for compassion and social justice for years to come. Make your mark and provide an important lasting legacy.

Giving to The Society

Tax-Advantaged Giving From Your IRA

For those over the age of 72, the IRS has offered a way to donate to one’s favorite non-profits so that the amount will be exempted from income taxes and more funds will be available to the organization.

Holders of IRA’s and other tax qualified savings plans are required to receive a minimum distribution (the “RMD”) each year after they reach the age of 72. Those withdrawals are taxed as income. If those withdrawn funds are then donated to a charity, that donation may or may not be deductible from taxable income as a charitable donation because of various restrictions. However, there is a way to insure that the amount of a charitable donation is entirely exempted from your income tax and the full amount can be donated for the cause of your choice.

These funds will be exempted from income tax when, instead of receiving the RMD yourself, you direct that all or part of your required minimum distribution be sent directly to the charity of your choice. You can arrange for your broker or pension advisor to send a check directly to your beneficiary charity. Then, it will not be subject to deductions for taxes and will not be included on your 1099.

Your required minimum distribution can certainly be used to fulfill your annual fair share contribution to NYSEC or to make a special donation to the Ethical Society or the American Ethical Union. If you have any questions about how this works, please call your tax or investment advisor for more information.

Watch this video for more information:

Matching Gifts

You can increase the value of your gift to Ethical by asking your employer about a corporate matching gift. To make a matching gift check with your company’s human resources department to find out about its matching-gift policy. Many employers will provide a form for you to fill out and send to Ethical with your contribution. The New York Society for Ethical Culture will verify your gift and return the form to your company, which will then issue a matching gift directly to our organization.

Gifts in Kind

The Society can also use support through gifts in kind.  Computers, office supplies, and printing services are some of the things that we may need from time to time.  If you or your company has something you believe might be of value to us, contact us for more information.

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