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Sunday Platform – 11:00am

Sunday Platform is our most important community event. These gatherings are intended to educate, stimulate personal growth, inspire reflection and action, and build a sense of community.

Sunday meetings begin with a musical prelude, and are followed by greetings, songs, and a talk given by a Society Leader, member, or guest speaker. Talks cover a variety of topics that reflect current events, social issues and Ethical Culture philosophy.

While contributions are always appreciated, Sunday meetings are always free and open to the public.  Each Sunday a Society member is available afterwards to welcome newcomers, answer their questions and accompany them to our Lunch and Social Hour.

Sunday Platform with Lauren Miller Karalunas: Safeguarding Free and Fair Elections in a Changing Democracy

Join Lauren Miller Karalunas as she previews the threats to free and fair elections that we can expect to face over the next four years. She will explore the challenges...

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Sunday Platform with Curt Collier: Why Ethical Culture’s Experiment with Humanism Needs to End

Twenty years after Felix Adler’s death, the Ethical Culture movement began to shift away from its founder’s philosophical focus. Dr. Howard Radest, a leading advocate for this change, documented the...

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Young Ethical Explorers – 11:00am

Our version of Sunday School, Ethics for Children is designed for youngsters from four to 13 years of age and takes place concurrent with our Sunday Meeting. Sessions raise issues of personal identity and integrity, appreciation and respect for others, and knowledge of religions, philosophies, and social concerns. Topics are explored in an age-appropriate way through discussion, storytelling, dramatization, music, art, games, and field trips.

For more information, please visit our youth programming page at

Young Ethical Explorers: Self-Empowerment, Self-Advocacy, and Conflict Resolution with Gabriella Belfiglio: ‘Standing Up For Our Values’

Newcomers are always welcome! Beginning this Sunday, every other week we'll be joined by Gabriella Belfiglio, a long-time anti-bullying and self-defense teacher (and award-winning poet!) who will lead children in...

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Young Ethical Explorers

Newcomers are always welcome! 10:30am: Peace-play on the rooftop playground (weather permitting) 11:00am: This week’s activity 12:30pm: Community Lunch 1:30-2:30pm: Peace-play on the rooftop playground (weather permitting) How to Join To join, please RSVP...

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Coming of Age

“Coming-of-age” marks a young person’s transition from childhood to adulthood. Families are invited to enroll their tweens and early teens in our coming-of-age program, whose guiding principle is to provide...

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Lunch & Social Hour

A meal is held in the 6th floor school cafeteria after each Sunday meeting. This offers time for sharing a meal, socializing and participating in ethical action activities. Free to newcomers!

Sunday Afternoons

On many Sundays following lunch, we have one or more afternoon activities including discussions, workshops, performances, films, or outings such as walks, hikes, or bicycle trips.

  • Ethics in the News
  • Ethics and the Theater
  • Art showings
  • Concerts
  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • and More!
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