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Climate Week NYC at Ethical 9/24 – Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming feat. Bill McKibben & More!

By August 16, 2018May 20th, 2019No Comments

Join us on September 24 for a presentation and panel discussion on The New York Times Best Selling Book Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming. Moderated by Bill McKibben (founder,, the event is sponsored by Ethical NYC, 350NYC and Pachamama Alliance.


Moderator: Bill McKibben, Founder,

Lynne Twist, Co-Founder, Pachamama Alliance

Katharine Wilkinson, Senior Writer, Drawdown; VP of Communication and Engagement, Project Drawdown

With Panelists:

Chad Frischmann, VP of Research, Project Drawdown

Karen Washington, food justice activist and urban farmer; Co-founder, Black Urban Growers and Rise and Root Farm

Dan Zarrilli, Senior Director, Climate Policy & Programs and Chief Resilience Officer, New York City Office of The Mayor

Lauren Zullo, Director of Sustainability, Jonathan Rose Companies

Scientists have done an extraordinary job detailing the current and future impacts of global warming. What humanity has lacked is a comprehensive, convincing path forward to reverse it. Project Drawdown brought together an international collaborative to create that blueprint of possibility—Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming, the bestselling environmental book of 2017. As a living research and communication effort, Project Drawdown continues to map, measure, and model the most substantive climate solutions, and to advance the understanding, imagination, and conviction needed to reverse global warming.

2 W 64th St, New York, NY