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Together at 2 – Exploring Ethical Humanism w/ Leader Richard Koral (Online)

April 22, 2020 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

These discussions of Ethical Culture beliefs and practices are for newcomers and long-time members alike. We explore the history, ideals, and current interests of the Ethical Society community and our place in the philosophical/religious firmament. Dr. Richard Koral, Leader, moderates.

Every weekday at 2:00 pm, Ethical Culture will offer a live broadcast and gathering. It may be a meditation session, a book reading circle, shared poetry, a study group or a class run by one of our Leaders, Joe Chuman or Richard Koral.

Click here to join at start time – Meeting ID 384-422-5692

You can download Zoom at, although it’s not necessary to do ahead of time. Zoom is available for tablets and smartphones in both main app stores, Apple and Google Android. Attendees don’t need to register for a Zoom account although it’s free and helpful. To join a meeting, simply click the event’s invitation link above.

No computer or smartphone? No problem! Call in to any meeting using one of the following phone numbers and enter the Meeting ID provided above.

Call-in phone numbers: (929) 205-6099 | (301) 715-8592 | (253) 215-8782


April 22, 2020
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
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