7 events found.
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Week of Events
Richard Koral: ‘Can Equality Include Special Treatment? Admissions Policies Beyond Affirmative Action’
Richard Koral: ‘Can Equality Include Special Treatment? Admissions Policies Beyond Affirmative Action’
In-person and online! Can equality include special treatment? Watch Online: Click to join at start | ID 863 0430 0961 | Passcode 609424 To join by phone (audio only), dial (929) 205-6099...
Say Yes to Science with Dr. Frank Corigliano
Say Yes to Science with Dr. Frank Corigliano
*Notice: This week's session will begin at 12:00pm. Thanks to vaccines and other medical innovation, COVID-19 is now endemic. On 1st and 3rd Mondays at 11am, clinical psychologist Frank Corigliano will...
Great Literature Discussion: ‘American Candide or Neo-Optimism’ by Mahendra Singh (Online)
Great Literature Discussion: ‘American Candide or Neo-Optimism’ by Mahendra Singh (Online)
Literary works will be discussed based on what can be found in the text in order to enrich each other’s interpretation of the novel/novella. All are welcome to join and...