Here are some images from a weekend at Stony Point with Young Ethical Explorer Families and NYSEC Members creating intergenerational friendships!
Young Ethical Explorers expresses Gratitude to Deepali Srivastava for hosting an enLIGHTening Diwali gathering, to inaugurate a season of “green fall season celebrations.”
Gratitude also goes to long time Ethics for Children teacher from Brooklyn Ethical, Simba Yangala!
Young Ethical Explorers celebrates the dedication of YEE families who made this weekend their priority,
and NYSEC members with whom YEE shared such lovely experiences throughout the weekend.
Finally, with immense applause and fondness, YEE honors the committee who
put this weekend together: Maggie Determann, Scotty Embree, Liz Singer,
and the NYSEC Leadership Troika: Dr. Nori Rost, Dr. Joe Chuman, and Dr. Richard Koral.
~~~ Celebrating a lovely Weekend ~~~ with joy,
YEE organizer Audrey Kindred