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Why Join The New York Society for Ethical Culture? In a word: Community!

When you choose to join Ethical Culture, you become part of a supportive community that nurtures the spirit, respects the intellect, and connects you to others who value the importance of making this world better for all of us.

Each person may find something different here.  NYSEC is a place for personal growth, where you come on Sunday mornings for uplifting music and inspiring talks.  It’s a place for social gatherings, to meet friends and see familiar faces.  It’s a place for education, where you can participate in philosophical debates, discuss current events, and explore world religions.  It’s a place for cultural enrichment, where you can discuss books, film, and theater, and meet authors and artists.  It’s a place to find support, for solace and assistance in times of need.  It’s a place to learn, to engage, to celebrate, to get involved.

As a member of the New York Society for Ethical Culture you will have the opportunity to become an active and contributing participant in community events and committees, participating according to your time and interests.  Membership is open to individuals 16 years of age and older or to family groups.

Member benefits include:

  • Opportunity to attend members-only programs and events, including retreats
  • Voting rights on important Society issues
  • Participation on Society Committees
  • Eligibility for our Board of Trustees
  • Our Monthly Member Newsletter
  • Reserved seating at all NYSEC sponsored programs
  • Discounts on education programs including Ethics for Children Sunday School, Leader-led courses, workshops, and more

Most importantly, you will join a diverse community of likeminded people who share your Humanist ideals and commitment to social justice.

Member Responsibilities

Once you become a member, we encourage you to get involved in the life of the organization.  The New York Society for Ethical Culture is our community and members nurture, sustain, and support it.

Learn, Engage, Participate – As a member, you can spend time at the Society, learning more about our philosophy by attending courses like “The Foundations of Ethical Culture”; attending Sunday programs and other events during the week and taking advantage of all the Society has to offer.

Share Your Skills and Interests – You may want to volunteer on committees and projects; work at co-sponsored events, manning the NYSEC information table, ushering or collecting donations; or propose programs and ethical actions for the Society to get involved in.

Annual Pledge Commitment – Members are asked to make and fulfill a financial pledge each year, in order to maintain membership. Member pledges sustain the people, facilities, and programs of the Society.

We understand that each member gives as generously as possible based on their circumstances and financial ability.  Pledges are accepted by check, credit card or through gifts of stock, and can be made in a lump sum or in installments throughout the year. Membership pledges are tax-deductible.

Become a Member

If you are interested in becoming a member, we encourage you and/or your family to get to know us! Please contact Membership Coordinator Margaret Determann at and consider stopping by:

  • Attend Sunday Meetings, the primary community gathering each week.  You’ll be introduced to our programs and activities and have the opportunity to meet other members.  Newcomers are invited to join us for a complimentary brunch following the Sunday meeting.  If you have children, we invite them to attend our Young Ethical Explorers Humanist Sunday school.
  • Attend a newcomer reception with our Membership Coordinator and one of our Leaders to learn more about membership (usually held monthly).
  • Meet with one of our clergy Leaders to discuss Ethical Humanism and Ethical Culture membership.

Current Members

For questions, or to renew your current membership, please contact Membership Coordinator Maggie Determann at

For other Member resources, visit our Members-only website here.

2 W 64th St, New York, NY