Dear Ethical Family and Friends,
Ethical Culture has served its community since its founding in 1876. We’ve weathered many a storm in that 140 years, and more than proven our resiliency. We’ve been a home away from home for those who have come to our city from near and far. And so shall we remain. In a play on the words of the song, “We are family, all my Ethical buddies and me!” And so, in coming days and weeks as we go through this current crisis together, know that your Ethical family is here for you. For starters we’re going to attempt to send a weekly newsletter – with news and advice and adventure (yes, you can have adventures without even opening your front door!). Just a short weekly message to start your day as we keep in touch with one another.
You’re getting probably more news updates than you need regarding the city, state, country and the world’s handling of the virus, so you really don’t need more from us. But we do want you to have whatever information you need about us. (And that includes the AEU. Visit their website to see their statement.)
We’re here for you!
Both of our Leaders, Joe Chuman and Richard Koral, are most definitely here for you. And so is our Caring Committee as well as many of our members. Don’t fret about errands you can’t do; we’re on it. There will be members of the Ethical community to help. Don’t think twice about reaching out. Just do it! Email or call — rkoral@nysec.org or 914-260-2214; jchuman@verizon.net, 201-487-6635 We’re here and we care. How about Ethical Platforms and Programs?
Starting next Sunday, March 22, we’ll be live-streaming our Sunday Platforms. (Some will remember Algernon Black’s Sunday morning broadcasts.) So be ready to log on Sunday at the regular time, 11:00 a.m. Some of our programs will be available to you not only to see and hear, but to participate in, via video-conferencing. All this is being set up as you read this missive, and connection details will be emailed. Share and share alike!
Our Leaders, chairpersons and staff will also be in touch, mostly through this Ethical Weekly Outlook. And that communication, or dialog, goes two ways – in fact, in all directions. Use this as your means of connecting to your Ethical family. We’ll pass on messages to and from each other and to the community at large. We provide encouraging words, and even inject a bit of wit and whimsy here and there. We are all consuming plenty of the “outside” news. Here, on these pages, let’s share our own stories.
Give us your news! What’s happening in your situation? Share your experiences. How are you coping? Any tips for others? Tell us your story and maybe we can publish it in this newsletter. (Please, not more than, say, 200 words.) Fending off cabin fever.
To outsmart the virus, health officials ask us to practice “social distancing” and, if we may have come in contact with someone who has it or has been exposed to it, to self-quarantine for 14 days to see if we develop symptoms. Well, that’s easy to ask of us, but what do you do for 14 days while incubating? One can only twiddle one’s thumbs for so long! Here are some suggestions of things you can do to while away the hours.
- 1. See how many different ways you can prepare an omelet with all the possible ingredients you already have on hand.
- 2. Learn to play that musical instrument you picked up long ago and left in the closet.
- Write your memoirs and include family and friends. It will be nice to remind them of all those once-upon-a- time moments.
- Write a how-to manual on how you managed to get outside, maintain a safe distance from others, touch as fewsurfaces as possible, and stay utterly clean.
- Go through your inventory of old CDs and really listen to them.
- Learn French with an online program.
- Binge on a TV series.
- Enroll in an online college course at www.edx.org.
- Write haikus about waiting.
- Make a list of all the ways in which your companion really is the greatest person of all time and how lucky you are to be holed up with him or her, even if…
- Call – don’t text or email — all those people you’d like to stay in touch with. See how they’re doing. Catch up.
- Plan your next vacation — in detail. You’ll be ready to act on that plan when this is over.
- Organize your files. Clean out your closets. Re-grout the bathroom tiles. Tof you here was always a good excuse for not doing those nasty chores; now there isn’t, so do it.
- Get one of those 1,000-piece puzzles and tackle it.
- Think of how we can best serve our Ethical family and friends at this time — and tell us.
There you have it. Your first edition of the Ethical Weekly Outlook. What will you send in for the next ones? Your stories, poems, adventures, and/or suggestions? Do it. Do it now. You’ve got the time. And we’re eager to hear from you.
Wishing you and all those dear to you good health, strength, and fortitude — along with love, caring, and a good smattering of laughter —as our Ethical family, friends, and community weather the storm together.
Elinore Kaplan