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Sunday 3/29 – Kindertransport Survivor Eva Yachnes: “Family Separation: My Personal Experience”

By March 23, 2020March 30th, 2020No Comments

Join us by Zoom on March 29 for our next online Sunday Platform featuring Kindertransport survivor Eva Yachnes:

With the rise of Nazism, Eva Yachnes’ mother and father were forced to flee the family home in Austria. Her mother was able to escape to England and find work, while her father went illegally to France. Eva, meanwhile, was left alone with her grandmother in Vienna. With great effort, her grandmother was able to get Eva onto a Kindertransport, which began Eva’s long journey, first to England, and then, finally, to the United States. Eva will speak about her experience while drawing parallels between it and that of the children today being separated from their parents at the US-Mexican border by the Trump administration.

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