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About Our Committees: Sunday Programs

By December 22, 2020January 26th, 2021No Comments

By Monica Weiss, Chairperson

Mission: This committee organizes and monitors all Society activities that take place on Sundays. This includes early-morning activities, social hour and lunch, and afternoon programs. We select guest speakers, coordinate music, and choose shared charities for the Platform meetings. We plan the flow of the platform, organize greeters and presiders, and coordinate with leaders to plan intergenerational festivals and celebrations.

Members: Pat Debrovner, Steve Serling, Sarah Sprott, Liz Singer, President; Richard Koral, Leader; Maggie Determann, Membership Coordinator; David Gracia, Music Director

As I write this, several weeks before publication of the newsletter, there’s no way to know what will have happened to the ship of democracy that we’re sailing on as it navigates the biggest storm ever. It appears to be stronger and more resilient than it feels at times, although it’s taken the battering of a lifetime and will certainly take years to rebuild. Hopefully we will build it back better. The problems we face become enormous opportunities if we have the sense and the wisdom to make them so. I have been particularly grateful for the way our community has held together through this very challenging time, even as we gather weekly on Zoom for our Platform meetings.

I’m especially grateful for the people on the Sunday Program Committee who have come together each month to navigate ways to create an inspiring and meaningful Sunday program that I look forward to each week. Starting with Ed, who now works on Sundays, too, making sure that our virtual space is accessible to everyone who wants to show up. Thank you to David for finding ways to bring his beautiful music to us from his living room while his little ones are entertained out of sight and earshot. This is no small feat; the stresses of working from home with children is enormous for those who are doing that. Thank you to Richard for his Leadership and words of comfort and wisdom that reflect what we are all feeling and experiencing as we appear on the screen in little boxes from our dining room tables or favorite comfy chairs. Thank you to Maggie for always being on the other end of our emails and for keeping track of all of the speaker details and calendar updates. And thank you to our presiders, Steve, Sarah, Kathleen, and Barbara, who have stepped up to continue to be a warm and welcoming presence each Sunday, reminding us of how important we really are to one another.

2 W 64th St, New York, NY