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Christian Hayden – Creating Community: Finding the ‘Us’ in Poetry

By July 14, 2019July 30th, 2019No Comments

Using poetry that spans from timeless and local, deep and amusing as inspiration, Christian Hayden led a reflection activity that encourages attendees to reflect and create as a community.

About Christian:

Christian says the most significant thing to know about him is that he is an Ethical Culture leader in training, which means you are stuck with hearing from him for awhile. The second most important thing is that he fell in love with photography recently so you might hear about that too. Christian is a full time facilitator, very part time poet, and striving to be a 24/7 humanist. He also spent a year in Ghana with the Humanist Service Corps and was awarded the Mossler Fellowship in 2016.

2 W 64th St, New York, NY