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Youth & Family

October 2 at 11am with Dr. Arun Gandhi: The Peace Farmer Sows Seeds at Ethical NYC!

By September 22, 2022September 29th, 2022No Comments

Come spend the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi with… Dr. Gandhi!  RSVP on EVENTBRITE.

Dr. Arun Gandhi, who came of age under the wing of his grandfather, the world peace revolutionary himself, is visiting ETHICAL CULTURE!

ETHICAL NYC’S hosting: Dr. Arun Gandhi: ‘Becoming the Change: Transforming Anger Into Peace Power | The New York Society for Ethical Culture

Ethical NYC was introduced to Dr. Gandhi and began collaborating with him through the Gandhi/King Season For Non-Violence.   We sent a youth representative, Favio Apollon, on a Learn/Lead/Serve field trip to meet Dr. Gandhi in person this summer at his peace center in Rochester, NewYork.  Now, with great honor, Ethical NYC hosts him on this very auspicious day.

Dr. Gandhi wrote several books to share this childhood experience with us, and became a PEACE FARMER himself, running the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence in Rochester New York. About being a peace farmer, he says: “I call myself a peace farmer. Like a farmer goes out into the fields and plants seeds and hopes and prays to get a good crop, I go out and plant seeds of peace, and I hope and pray that I get a good crop of peacemakers.”

NYSEC is honored that The Peace Farmer is coming to cultivate peacemakers here in this home of ethical aspiration.  He will share his stories and his vision in our FIRST SUNDAY EVENT, on Sunday, October 2nd at 11am.  The gift of this experience, NYSEC extends for free, with mandatory reservations, to a vast peace-striving community of NYC!

His grandfather, Mohandas Gandhi (Grandfather Gandhi) changed the world through a revolutionary vision called nonviolence.  He influenced Dr. King, who brought those philosophies to life in the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. We stand upon the shoulders of these giants, these flawed inspirational humans who dedicated their work to peace.

Audrey Kindred

Audrey Kindred leads programming for youth and families at Ethical NYC

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