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Sunday PlatformVideo

Glenn Magpantay: Responding to Anti-Asian Violence and Hate Crimes

By July 11, 2021No Comments

Join our Sunday Platform on July 11 at 11:00am to learn about issues facing Asian Americans, the recent shootings and hate crimes this past year under COVID, and what to do – for themselves and their families. I strategically share my personal story and review the law and tie in diversity, equity, and inclusion messages and micro-aggressions within the very specific Asian experience. While focused on Asians and South Asians, it will be a program that all diverse people can find illuminating.

About Glenn:

For over 30 years, Glenn D. Magpantay has been a fierce advocate for the LGBTQ and AAPI communities. He is a long-time civil rights attorney, professor, and LGBTQ rights activist.

Glenn worked on hate crimes at the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF). He lobbied for successful passage of the federal Violence Against Women Act of 1994 and Hate Crimes Act, which President Obama signed into law in 2009. He knows the law and its limitations very well. He co-founded and most recently served as the Executive Director of the National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance (NQAPIA).

For the past few weeks, he has been supporting the community. He has counseled students, lawyers, staff of service agencies, attorneys at the U.S. Department of Justice. He met with District Attorney prosecutors and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. He also teaches law and Asian American Studies at Columbia University, Hunter College, and Brooklyn Law School.

Click here to join at start time | ID 863 0430 0961 | Passcode 609424

Presider: Sarah Sprott

Shared Charity: Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence (CAAAV)

Sunday Platform is our most important and long-standing community event. These gatherings educate, stimulate personal growth, inspire reflection and action, and strengthen our community. Sunday meetings usually begin with music, followed by greetings and a talk given by a Society Leader, member, or guest.  Platforms cover a variety of topics that reflect current events, pressing social issues, and Ethical Culture philosophy. A collection basket is passed and money is shared between the Society and a charity selected for that day.  While contributions are always appreciated, Sunday meetings are free and open to the public.  Each Sunday meeting is followed by a luncheon and social hour.

To view previous Sunday Platform addresses and interviews, visit the Ethical NYC YouTube channel.

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