The Spring Season holds some intergenerational gems for our WHOLE community to rally around…. including:
- A. Fridays for Future Climate March
- B. Spring Intergenerational Platform
- C. Coming of Age Platform
A. FRIDAYS FOR FUTURE has made Ethical NYC their organizing hub for many years, thanks to our eco-organizer Monica Weiss.
These brilliant young leaders are organizing a March To End Fossil Fuels on April 19th at Foley Square at 2pm. Please join in support and solidarity!
Sunday, April 21, 11am ~ 4th floor at ETHICAL NYC
- 12:30 Free Community Lunch followed by:
- 1pm-2pm A GUIDED TREE WALK IN THE PARK with Naturalist, Carey Russell, from Dendro Lab
C. PLATFORM LED BY OUR ETHICAL COMING OF AGE TEENS on MAY 5th. This is a major milestone for the community as a whole, as well as for three amazing individuals that have grown up in the Ethical NYC community. Please support them by attending in person!
D. Finally the AIDS WALK NYC will take place on May 19th. Join the Ethical Explorers Team by being a funder, or walker or both…. Become a team member so you can reach out to fundraise in your spheres of influence. This is a tradition of Young Ethical Explorers! Stay tuned to join us on our adventure that day as well. https://gmhc.aidswalkny.org/