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AEU All-Society Platform: Our Climate Future with Our Children’s Trust

By April 30, 2023May 5th, 2023No Comments

At this Platform we were joined by the lawyer and some of the youth plaintiffs in the upcoming lawsuit Held v. State of Montana, the first ever constitutional and children’s climate trial in U.S. history- which will begin on June 12th in Helena, Montana. On March 13, 2020, 16 young people from across the state of Montana filed their constitutional climate lawsuit against the state, asserting that by supporting a fossil fuel driven energy system, which is contributing to the climate crisis, Montana is violating their constitutional rights to a clean and healthful environment, to seek safety, health and happiness, and to individual dignity and equal protection of the law. They also argue that the state’s fossil fuel energy system is degrading and depleting Montana’s constitutionally protected public trust resources, including the atmosphere, rivers and lakes, fish and wildlife

Read more about “the greening of state constitutions” at the Brennan Center.

About Our Children’s Trust

Our Children’s Trust (OCT) is a non-profit, public-interest law firm that provides campaign-based, legal services to youth from diverse backgrounds to secure their legal rights to a safe climate. We work to protect the earth’s climate systems for present and future generations by representing young people in global legal efforts to secure their binding and enforceable legal rights to a healthy atmosphere and a stable climate, based on the best available science.

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