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Empathy, Compassion, Solidarity: A Statement on the Election

By November 8, 2024No Comments

We write in acknowledgement of the disbelief, sadness, anger, frustration, outrage, and fear being felt by many in our community, our city, and around the world after the result of Tuesday’s election. As an organization committed to democracy, we accept the results of a fair and transparent election – even one that may leave us disappointed. However, we also insist that it must not be the last word.

Since 1876 The New York Society for Ethical Culture has strived to be a beacon for democracy, human rights, environmental stewardship, and social justice. During this campaign Donald Trump and others in his party have expressed disdain for the very foundations of our democracy, and they have promised a direct attack on our ideals, slandered our values, and detailed plans to undo the progress that has been won by generations of struggle.

While campaign promises often lose their vigor when confronted by the reality of governing, we must remain clear-eyed about the demagoguery and tyrannical threats we face.

Over our nearly 150 years The Society has worked to educate, advocate, and organize on the major political and social issues of our times, from the campaigns against child labor, the exploitation of immigrants, and Jim Crow; to the struggles for women’s rights, civil rights, LGBTQ equality, and climate justice. We will not sit idly by as another Trump administration undermines the hard-won rights that citizens of a democracy are entitled to.

We will not quietly accept the dismantling of the rule of law and the crippling of our institutions built to protect the health, welfare, and security of all Americans. We will not waver in our commitment to justice, equality, dignity, and freedom of speech. We will be relentless in bringing our voice, our experience, and our resources to bear in defense of these things.

We also know, importantly, that our partners in these causes will join us in the struggle. It has often been said, in hope and in confidence, that the arc of history shall surely bend towards justice; that in the long run, things will work out for the better. We remain committed to the belief that it is our sacred duty as citizens to do the hard work, together, to make that so.

The answer to a campaign of fear, hatred, and self-interest is a renewed commitment to empathy, compassion, and solidarity–to fiercely and steadfastly stand up for our values and ideals once more. We welcome all to join us in this good work.

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The New York Society for Ethical Culture is a Humanist community dedicated to ethical relationships, social justice, and democracy since 1876. The Society’s members put deed before creed and ethics in action to educate, advocate, and organize to end racism, poverty, and war; abolish the death penalty and mass incarceration; welcome refugees and immigrants; fight climate change and pollution; and more. Discover the Society at

2 W 64th St, New York, NY