For PRIDE MONTH, you may enjoy the spiraling walk at the AIDS MEMORIAL PARK, as Young Ethical Explorers did earlier this month. The AIDS Memorial Park exhibits the spiraling words of Walt Whitman’s “Song To Myself” installed by artist Jenny Holtzer. YEE invites the Ethical Community to enjoy a project by the Young Ethical Explorers who walked the AIDS WALK NYC this year: “SPIRAL WRITING.”
You are invited to do as we have done:
- Walk the spiral stone poem, collecting phrases, like treasures in your path.
2. Then sit down, draw a spiral on your page.
3. Borrow an opening phrase from Whitman: “I celebrate myself…” Write freely, curving into or out of the spiral on your page.
4. If you’d like to send in pictures of your spiral, or quotes from your spiral writing, we’d love to see them!
Here are some of the projects that came from that special day!