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Youth & Family

Justice January! Young Ethical Explorers GROW JUSTICE!

By January 3, 2021No Comments

Dear Community of Young Ethical Explorers,

From YEE Program Organizer, Audrey Kindred

Feedback and response are welcome:

It’s Justice January! Let’s GROW justice through Ethical engagement. Our ongoing workshops build the ethical fitness of participants to face challenges in their lives.  The workshops also offer the kind community where children interact as members of “the human family.”

To contemplate the new year, we are “Looking back with 2020 vision….to move forth!”  Please take the opportunity to enjoy the slide show for  YEE’s New Years’ Workshop. (note: once you open the slide show, press your “mouse” to advance the pages of the slide show. You may do this at your own pace).

So, let’s plan ahead for Justice January! We’ll dive into Dr. King’s birthday season with a creative and theatrical celebration of King’s revolutionary community, upon whose shoulders we stand.  We will get to share and build a cast of characters to see, beyond the surface, a community of change-makers and collaborators — a movement.  We will also discuss: “If Dr. King could see us now….”  You may enjoy talking about these topics at home at the dinner table, as you look forward to this, or later, as you reflect upon it.

~~~By mid-month, our very special guest-workshopper Deepali Srivastava of Writefully Ours will be leading us in a DEED that has become a YEE tradition — linking with Amnesty International to stand up for human rights prisoners around the world.

~~~ Later this month, Dr. Bentley Gibson is returning to work with us in our commitment to bias-awareness as a crucial building block of anti-racist action. With Dr. Bentley Gibson’s guidance and expertise, children will openly discuss and workshop important and often hidden issues underlying inclusivity and equality. They can dig under the surface of society’s tensions, for the ways implicit bias often blocks essential and fair connections between people.  By becoming aware of bias, children can build conscious allied relationships of support to stand up for what is right.  Following up on that, each student will take on the opportunity to research a Black change-maker, innovator or cultural contributor…

…And by our FIRST SUNDAY EVENT of February they will speak with that person’s voice in a game called “Being Them” a jig-saw style learning structure developed by Dr. Jessica Kindred.  (February 7 at 1:30pm.)

This program is intergenerational and open to all Ethical learners, even those from other Ethical communities, other faith traditions, other ages (i.e. adult Ethical members)… You may use this flyer to reach out and build a community of intergenerational connection.

~~~At the very end of January we will be looking at the literature of interracial friendships. One author I hope to introduce is my very own mother — with a book she wrote and illustrated when I was 6 years old:  Hank and Fred.  Depicting a playful and sensitive interracial friendship in the 1970’s,  it was reviewed as  promoting homosexual interracial relations, revealing, alas, the fears of those times.

Let’s grow Justice!  

Together, in 2021!

New families are welcome to join our program in this new year.  To explore, contact:

Audrey Kindred

Audrey Kindred leads programming for youth and families at Ethical NYC

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