On this federal government website is a list of countries for whom the United States government has placed travel advisories. There are over 200 currently listed with ratings from Level 1: Exercise normal precautions to Level 4: Do not travel. These advisories are based on everything from natural disasters to strikes, from active war zones to repressive laws regarding women, sexual minorities, and people of color.
Now, according to the NAACP, the state of Florida requires a travel advisory of its own. Citing the current atmosphere of fear, bullying, and intimidation by elected officials, the NAACP issued a travel advisory, stating, in part:
Under the leadership of Governor Ron DeSantis, the State of Florida has criminalized protests, restricted the ability of educators to teach African-American history, and engaged in a blatant war against diversity and inclusion. On a seeming quest to silence African-American voices, the Governor and the State of Florida have shown that African Americans are not welcome in the State of Florida. Due to this sustained, blatant, relentless and systemic attack on democracy and civil rights, the NAACP hereby issues a travel advisory to African Americans, and other people of color regarding the hostility towards African Americans in Florida.
As a clergy Leader of the New York Society for Ethical Culture, I strongly endorse the stance of the NAACP and encourage you to read the full travel advisory. To find out how you can stem the tide of fascism in Florida, check out these resources:
Equality Florida
Defense of Democracy — national but have groups in Florida
Various groups defending New College